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Simple Positive Play Party

Writer's picture: Jennifer IlardiJennifer Ilardi

There are so many muscles in our hands! Opportunities to color, play with playdough and thread a bead help work those muscles so we can write and play in more intricate ways! 

Here’s what’s in a kit we sent home after our Simple Positive PARTY! 

Homemade Crayon

To make your own, 

  1. Preheat Oven to 200 degrees

  2. Gather your broken crayons and put them in a bowl or bucket. 

  3. Add warm water and a little dish soap

  4. Agitate the water

  5. The labels will start to come off of the crayons

  6. Remove the remaining paper

  7. Break the crayons without paper into small pieces

  8. Put your crayons in a mold on a tray

  9. I use silicone molds, cupcake molds with liners works, too

  10. Place the tray in the oven 

  11. Check in after 15 minutes

  12. Timing will vary depending on mold size

  13. When it appears like the crayons are completely melted, remove from the oven and let cool completely. Enjoy your crayons! 

Please note: Melting crayons in the oven does create an odor. Work in a well ventilated area.


Bracelet Kit

Optional activities: 

Use beads to thread the chenille stem. 

Count the beads

Sort the beads

Create patterns 

Homemade Dough

Questions to ask! 

What colors do you see? 

What colors can you make? 

Blend the different colors together

Can you make a ball? 

Can you make a snake? 

What else can we make? 

How to Make Your Own Homemade Dough: 

1 cup flour

½ cup Salt

2 Tablespoons Cream of Tartar

1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

1 cup water

Food coloring

In a small pot, add flour, salt and cream of tartar. Stir. 

Add Vegetable oil

In one cup of water, add food coloring

Put pan on low heat and stir in water

Continue stirring until playdough begins to form

Once your mix appears like dough, take pan off of heat

Remove dough from pan and let cool enough so that you can knead it.



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